Beaded Wire Words Tutorial Paintshop Pro
Beaded Wire Words
by PCArt
Find a cursive script font where all the letters join and where the line of the script is even. Or choose any other font you wish. Set to Vector and anti-alias.
Open a new canvas 440 x 160 pixels at 300 pixels per inch transparent
Write your word at about size 30 points or 125 pixels colour white. Convert to Raster.
If it appears too thick for you, go to selections select all, selections float, selections defloat, selections modify, contract x 1, invert and delete. This should make your word lettering appear thinner and more like wire.
Apply effects, texture effects, sculpture with these settings,
Set to default, choose - silver from your pattern drop down list
Size 100, smoothness 48, depth 16, ambience 0, shininess 58,
angle 315, intensity 47, elevation 47, colour #808080
Save as wireword sculpture preset so you can use this setting again in the future.
Apply effects, 3D effects, inner bevel with these settings,
Set to default, choose - Bevel shape 9 (it looks like a curved back to front L),
width 8, smoothness 15, depth 20, ambience 0, shininess 40,
angle 315, intensity 50, elevation 35, colour #c0c0c0
Save as wireword bevel preset so you can use this setting again in the future.
IDEAS - Try painting glitter on to your wire words or use other plug ins like Eye Candy or Super Blade Pro to jazz them up. Make your wires other colours. Or, how about making some lovely doodles and decorating them in this way?!
On A New Layer
Find your bead tubes and place them wherever you want them on your word.
Merge visible and Apply a light drop shadow if you wish.
Mine is saved as .png
Free Flower template PNG to use in PaintShop Pro
Above and below are samples of the flowers you could make using my template.
Voyage of Art
I am self taught, and as with any craft, experimenting and learning go hand in hand.
Have the courage to try and you can accomplish almost anything.
I enjoy drawing and painting and to be honest, over the many years of my lifetime, I wish I had dedicated more time to art. As with many people, real life of work and paying bills and raising your family, will always be foremost in priorities. Sometimes being creative was simply put away on the back burner for far too long.
The voyage of art can be so satisfying. This voyage can be one of self discovery, it can be a voyage where we are able to block out the negative vibes in the world and to calm our minds. Art can be a form of therapy or a form of relaxation and meditation or an expression of opinion and imagination.
Many people would say, "I cannot draw or paint, I wish I could."
Art is not only using pencils, pens, charcoal and paint. Art can be any form of creativity and made from many materials, using a variety of mediums.
Digital art is something I enjoy and am by no means an expert. It is a hobby to me. I am under no pressure to produce anything at any given time. I create for the enjoyment, on the spur of the moment, when I feel like it.
For digital Art, I use PaintShop Pro, it is used by many for Photo Editing. I only use it to create graphics as I am not a photographer. I have been using this program since 2002 with the Anniversary Edition 7 which I received as a gift from my husband.
At the time I was keen to learn use it because I had no art materials and no space for creating art in the traditional ways. This program gave me the freedom to create anytime I wanted to and there was no cleaning up afterwards. Since then PaintShop Pro was taken over by Coral and has gone through various updates all the way up to the current 2020 edition that I am using.
Originally I started to learn how to use PaintShop Pro in a Yahoo Group PSPMadeEz, it was an enjoyable time in my life and the members were wonderful in encouraging one another. There were weekly challenges and lessons.
Now there are groups on Facebook that are dedicated to PaintShop Pro and Photoshop, again there are members with similar interests and lots of inspiration and encouragement within those groups.
I have gone through a lot of creative stages, making signature tags, writing tutorials (some featured in this blog) in the earlier days. Creating digital scraps for Digital Scrap Books. I have used it to create birthday cards and posters for events at work. I have followed many written tutorials, still available online.
I used the PaintShop Pro to create Wedding invitations for my daughters. I was so proud that they asked me to do this.
Recently I have been dabbling in Scrap Journal Art and painting with water colours. Both of these mediums are very new to me. I have been visiting Youtube for examples of how to do this. Even more recently I discovered Canva which is an amazing free online tool that you can use anywhere you can connect to the internet. With the templates available, you can create a graphic item within minutes.
Envelope Tutorial
Tutorial Note
Working on an 8 inch x 8 inch canvas for space
I made the envelope approximately 16cm x 11cm at 300 pixels per inch
applied texture old paper at default setting but changed the size to 300 and depth to 6
Add a slight bevel to the card and envelope
You could use your lighten and darken tool to give a bit more dimension to the edges of the envelope and card
Merge when satisfied and crop to size.
Image shown at 72 pixels per inch and 600 pixels x 600 pixels Smart Size
xoxoxo pat
Colourful Grunge Paper
Below are the directions:-
Working on a 12" x 12" 300 pixels per inch canvas.
There are 8 different layers in Paintshop Pro and the layers have different Layer Properties from top to bottom. You can also see the different images used.
To change the colouration below:-
Open the merged colourful image and copy to paste as a new image into your workspace.
Close the original colourful image.
Change the image in your workspace to Greyscale
Increase the colour depth to 8 bits.
Apply a pink overlay or color of your choice and adjust the opacity of this layer.
Added the fern and clock face to the sides.
Folded Paper Corners or Rolled Edges
Folded corners or edges
Note from Pat
For this example above you will need two layers of paper or two different colours or patterns.
Follow steps 1 to 4 as shown in the example above - cutting and pasting the pieces onto a new layer each time.
Once everything is in position - (I have used lines to show the pieces up)
Then you can start applying shadows and use the warp tool or warp brush to alter the fold slightly.
Take a real piece of paper and fold the corner down and up again and see how it lays.
If it is soft paper or tissue it can stretch slightly it may even curl a bit.
Instead of using negative image to change the colour of your first cut piece, try colorizing it.
See another example tutorial here at Tutorials.