©PCArt 22 September 2008

To create this representation of a CD you will need
the UnPlugged Tools - CD Shader - Plugin available HERE
Open New Canvas 13cm x 13cm
300pixels per inch
Foreground / Background / Colour White
Preset Shapes Ellipse Vector and Anti-alias checked
Hold Shift Key down to maintain shape
Draw out a circle from top left corner of canvas to bottom right corner (to fit canvas)
Object Align Centre in Canvas
Convert to Raster
Selections Select All Float Defloat
Effects / Plugins / UnPlugged Tools / CD Shader
Selections Select None This will be your bottom layer.
Duplicate First Layer Resize 40% (all Layers Unchecked) This is your Second Layer
Duplicate Second Layer Resize 90% (all Layers Unchecked) This is your Third Layer
Duplicate Third Layer Resize 95% (all Layers Unchecked) This is your Fourth Layer
Go back to your Second Layer
Adjust Brightness 0 Contrast 41
Go to your Fourth layer
Adjust Brightness 0 Contrast 41
Go to your First layer
Select white centre with the magic wand and delete this area on all layers.
Go to your top layer and select inner circle with the magic wand
add a new layer fill selection with white and apply CD Shader
Selections Modify Contract by 12 and delete.
Merge Visible
Adjust Hue Saturation Lightness
Hue 243 Lightness 6 Saturation 0
Add Label or decorate or colorize.
Play around with brightness and contrast.
Experiment with your settings.
Hope you have fun with this easy tutorial.