I made these hearts each on 600 x 600 canvas using Paint Shop Pro
see circle and heart on background of this image
using a preset shape heart
Various candy type colours
Arial Font 22 points
Eye Candy Extrude - experiment with settings
Add Noise
Example Fonts to use - Helvetica, Arial, Futura
Sans-serif fonts
Example messages
Sweethearts are small heart-shaped candies sold around Valentine's Day. Each heart is printed with a message such as "Be Mine", "Kiss Me", "Call Me", and "Miss You". Sweethearts are made by the New England Confectionery Company, or NECCO. A similar type of candy is sold in the UK under the name Love Hearts. NECCO manufactures nearly 8 billion sweethearts a year.
Sweethearts are now available in a variety of assortments to choose from including chocolate, tart, and smoothie flavors.